
时间:2024-06-09 11:28:53 分类:工作计划







1)基本能够听懂,会说,会读词汇:july, august, september, october, november, december.

2)学会用“there are…birthdays in …”以及“there is one birthday in …”的语言结构。

3)复习词汇:flowers, festival, birds, snow, rain, warm, hot, cool, cold, sunny.

2 技能目标:谈论月份以及关于各个月的情况。


三、教学重点:词汇:july, august, september, october, november, december.

“there are…birthdays in …”以及“there is one birthday in …”的语言结构。



五、teaching steps:

step1: warmer

1. greetings

t: hello, boys and girls. ss: hello, miss yi.

t: how are you today? ss: i’m fine , thanks . and how are you?

t: i’m great. thank you so much. look! how is the weather today?

ss: it’s sunny today.

t: how do you feel now? are you happy? ss: yes. we’re so happy.

t: let’s sing a song , ok? ss: ok!

t& ss: spring is warm, spring is warm.

summer is hot, summer is hot.

autumn is cool, autumn is cool.

winter is cold, winter is cold.

2. 复习1-6月份的英文。

step2: presentation

1、lead in

t: how many months are there in a year?

ss: there are twelve months in the year.(引出课题)

板书:unit 2 there are twelve months in the year.

t: let’s pass the toy dog and say the words from january to december.

ss: january, february, march, april, may, june….接着老师带着学生一起说: july, august, september, october, november and december. (在游戏的过程中引入新单词)

t: today, we’re going to learn the months.


t: boys and girls, let’s play a game, ok? ss: ok!

t: i will speak these names of the months. and you can show me your fingers to show. ss: yes.

t: may. ss: (show five fingers) may.

t: march. ss: (show three fingers) march.

t: july. 提示学生show seven fingers. (july)

t: do you like july?

s1: yes. i like july. we can go to the park in july.


t: how old are you?

ss: i’m 10 years old.

t: when is your birthday?


t: oh , your birthday is in august. whose birthday is also in august?

s2: my birthday is in august, too.

t: how many birthdays are there in august?

ss: there are….

4、教授-- september

t:boys and girls, when is teacher’s day? who can tell me?

s3: 九月十日。

t: you’re so clever. september,10 th . do you like september?

s4: yes. i like september .

t: what can you do?

s5: we can go to school.

t: sounds great.


t:you can guess so well. do you know which month it is? “ it’s cool and it’s in autumn. there are 31 days in it. and there is national day ,too.”

s6: october.

t: yes, you are right.


t: i like november. what do you like?

s7: i like june.

s8: i like march.

t: do you like november?

ss: yes, we like november.


t: oh ,i’m a weather reporter now. in beijing , it’s cold and there is snow in december . (播报天气预报)can you hear which month it is?

ss: 十二月。

t: december . whose birthday is in december?

s9: my birthday is in december.

t: how many birthdays are there in december? let’s count.

ss: there are ….birthdays in december.

t: i heard ms smart are counting birthdays now. please listen to the tape.

step3: practice

1. listen and do.

t: boys and girls , please listen and do.

t:1) whose birthday is in july? please stand up.

2) whose birthday is in august? put your hands on your head, please!

3) whose birthday is in september? touch your ears, please!

4) whose birthday is in october? clap, please!

5) whose birthday is in november? point to the teacher, please !

6) whose birthday is in december? laugh, please!

2. group work


e.g. s1: do you like january?

s2: yes, i like january .

s1: why?

s2: there are lots of festivals.

s3: which month do you like?

s4: i like october.

s3: why?

s4: we can fly kites.

s5: which month is your favourite?

s6: my favourite month is june.

s5: why?

s6: it’s warm. i can ride a bike





1.能听说读写how are you ? fine,thanks. 说出并且听懂nice to meet you.

2. 能在真实地环境中进行会话。

3. 培养学生大胆自信地运用英语进行交流。


how are you? fine, thanks.书写时应注意的问题以及how are you 的其它回答方式。

2、you can call me...的用法。




?? warming up

1、 free talk .复习:what’s your name? nice to meet you! how are you? how old are you? how many ? how much? how do you feel?等问句及回答.

2、sing a song“how are you?”为学生学句型作铺垫

?? new concepts

⒈先教单词fine. 教师先把nine写在黑板上让学生拼读,然后出示fine让学生试读,反复带读fine一词并检查学生的发音。比较fine, nine, five, bike等读音,引导学生发现读音规律。

2.教师指着自己对学生说:i’m fine,today. 用表情来表示出自己今天很好(指身体).并把fine一词写在黑板上,可向学生用汉语解释fine一词意思是身体好。强调书写时注意开头字母要大写,逗号句号位置及i’m的缩写形式。

3. 教师和一个学生打招呼:hello,…how are you ?然后指着黑板上fine 一词,启发学生回答:fine, thanks或 i’m fine, thanks.同时教very well. thank you.的回答方式。

4. 教师把very well.写在黑板上.解释very well意思是身体非常好.

5. 教师带读very well ,并检查学生发音.

6. 师生之间进行打招呼问候,如

t: morning ,boys and girls.

ss: morning, miss…. how are you?

t: fine, thanks . how are you?

ss : very well, thank you.

7. 同桌两人或前后两人进行会话练习.


11.出示mr. wood的图片,向学生自我介绍“hello! i’m your new teacher! you can call me mr. wood. nice to meet you. ”告诉学生向别人介绍自己时也可以说you can call me…,先生用mr.女士用miss。或ms.让学生用这个句型自我介绍。you can call me…




?? homework

课下以小组为单位编一个对话,用上“how are you ? fine, thanks./very well,thank you. nice to meet you!”


lesson one: how are you?

nine fine five bike

how are you?

i’m fine, thanks.

very well, thank you.




1、掌握本课单词rain,snow,wind以及come和词组go away,做到发音准确、语调自然。

2、学习小诗rain rain go away,能够有感情的朗诵和仿编。



1、本课单词rain,snow,wind以及come和词组go away的发音和大意。






二、magic box单词教学


2、学习单词rain,snow,wind以及come和词组go away。


4、listen,number and say







四、let’s read 学习自然拼读法





教学内容:pep4 unit 5 my clothes a let’s talket’s play (book4)

sections links steps activities time evaluation

let me know review warm up 1.greeting

2.enjoy a song

”this old hat” p54

review flash pictures of the school things on the ppt.

to review the singular and plural nouns.

lead in show the pictures of clothes quickly and say:

this is green/yellow....

these are white/blue....

overview task assignment the lost and found activity

explisit objectives 1.important words:yours,hat

2.important sentences:

--are these yours?

--yes,they are./no,they aren’t.

--is this john’s?

--yes,it is./no,it isn’t.it’s mike’s.

3. to guide students to correctly use the noun possessive.

presentation lead in and review 1.show some pictures of clothes,let ss tell the names of these clothes.

2.take out some the school things or clothes and ask (bag,pencil,book,shoes...)

--this is ....

--these/those are....

presentation 1.show a picture of chenjie’s shoes and ask:

t:these are ...shoes.

t:are these yours,...?

s:no,they aren’t

2.let ss guess whos the owner of it, guide the student to use the sentence:

t:whose shoes are those?

s1:--are they...’s?

s2: --are they...’s?

t:they are chenjie’s.

let ss pronunce the word yours according to the hint of phonics.


3. presents several items of students,let ss make the new dialogue:

s1:are these yours?

s2:no, they aren’t. they are..’s

4.present a picture of a hat.

t:what’s this in english?

t:whose hat is this?is this ...’s

ss:no,it isn’t.it’s mike’s.

let ss pronunce the word yours according to the hint of phonics.


5. presents several items of students,let ss make the new dialogue(schoolbag,storybook...)

s1:is this yours?

s2:yes,it is.

s1:is this yours?

s2:no,it isn’t.it’s ...’s

let me try engagement individual work 1.show the picture of the dialogue,just listen .

t:who are talking?

2.listen again and answer

t:what are they talking?

show the first picture of the dialogue

s1:it’s ....it’s time to go home.

show the second picture of the dialogue

t: what did teacher and amy say?

s2:are these yours?

s3:no, they aren’t....they are...’

show the secind picture of the dialogue

show the third picture of the dialogue and talk.

pair work 1.read the dialogue in pairs

group work the lost and found activity by using the following sentences:

are these ..../yours?

yes,they are./no,they aren’t.

is this ....’s?

yes,it is./no,it isn’t.it’s....’s.

let me do summary task fulfillment present the task to see how well we can fulfill the task

feed back


after-school activities 1.listen and recite let’s talk on page 48.

period 2

教学内容:pep4 unit 5 my clothes a let’s learnet’s do (book4)


部分 links

环节 steps

步骤 activities

活动 time

时间 reflection


let me know

让我明白 review复习 warm up

热身 1.let’s sing “colour song”

2. speak out the words you hear.

to review what we have learned about colours.

3. to produce color card, students read the words

4. students introduce their item color.



lead in

导入 show some pictures and introduce with the colour.

this is a green/blue....

these are white/yellow....

overview概述 task assignment

布置任务 hold a fashion show in groups.

explicit objectives

明晰教学目标 1.important words:


2.important sentences:

--i like this/that/these/those ....

3.ss can describe the clothing with colours.review the words of colors: red, green, yellow, blue, black, brown, white, orange, etc.

presentation 呈现 review

复习 1.present a picture and say:

t:amy and sarah are at a shop.what kind of shop is it? is it a bookstore?

s:no, it isn’t. it’s a clothes shop.(引导学生回答)

teach the word of clothes.(say out the name of the clothes)

2.show a picture of skirt. ask

t:what colour isit?

s1:it’s ......

t:what’s this?

teach the new word,

t: it’s a skirt. a green skirt.

look at the picture and listen, recognizing clothes by color. let ss pronounce the skirt according to the hint of phonics.


do together with the students: wash your skirt.

t:i like that green skirt, how about you?

s1:i like....

2. show a picture of dress,

t:what colour isit?

s1:it’s ......

t:what’s this?

teach the new word,

t: it’s red dress. a red dress.

look at the picture and listen, recognizing clothes by color. let ss pronounce the dress according to the hint of phonics.


do together with the students: hang up your dress.

t:i like this red dress, how about you?

s1:i like....

teaching words in the same way:hat

3. show a picture of dress,

t:what colour is it?


t:what are these?

teach the new word,

t: these are pants. do you like these pants?. (show the different style of pants)

look at the picture and listen, recognizing clothes by color. let ss pronounce the pants according to the hint of phonics.


do together with the students: put away your pants.

t:i like these purple pants, how about you?

s1:i like....

4. learn to read the words:



dress :


how many letters in the word long? what are they? and how many sounds? what are they?

lead in




let me try


engagement 操练 individual work

个人活动 .1.listen and repeat.

2.read these words



dress :


pair work

双人活动 1. ask the students as a model,and ss can use the sentences to describ.

her name is ....she is tall and thin.

her skirt is yellow.

2. bring the laundry in

it’s going to rain in 10seconds,please bring the laundry in!(将单词卡贴在黑板上,学生在10秒内快速说出卡片单词)

3. let’s do

the students listen to the instructions and do the action.

team relay to complete the let s do.

group work

小组活动 introduced their own clothes color. and introduce oneself to like the color of the clothes in groups.

let me do

让我做 summary 总结 task fulfillment

完成任务 present the task to see how well we can fulfill the task

after-school activities

课外活动 1. do let’s do on page 49. first listen and do. then say and do.

2. listen and repeat let’s learn on page 49 1’

period 3

教学内容:pep4 unit 5 my clothes a let’s spell&story time (book4)


部分 links

环节 steps

步骤 activities

活动 time

时间 reflection


let me know

让我明白 review复习 warm up

热身 1.greeting

2. let’s chant page 40

3.free talk

a:are these yours?

b:yes,they are.no,they aren’t....



lead in


overview概述 task assignment


explicit objectives

明晰教学目标 1. ss are able to perceive and induction of le in the word pronunciation rules.

2. ss are able to listen,readand write the following words:apple,people,table.

3.students can read the words conform to le pronunciation rules

presentation 呈现 review

复习 1.greeting

2.let’s chant

or [?:][?:][?:] horse,fork,world,homework

or [?:][?:][?:] door,more,floor,nor,order

3. show some words with or:

horse, fork, homework, world ,born

4.draw an apple on the board and ask:

t:what do you see?

ss: an apple. (guide the student to spell)

/?/-/p/-/l/--/ ?pl/

5.draw a table under the apple,ask:

t:where is the aplle?

ss:it’s on the table.


6.show two apples,and say:

t:this is a big aplle. this ais a little apple.

who is looking at the apple?present the word:people.

/p/-/i:/-/p/-/l/----/ pi:pl/

7.let’s chant.

8.guide the student to inductive le pronunciation rules

lead in




let me try


engagement 操练 individual work

个人活动 1. read,listen and chant

2. read,unserline and listen.

3. look,listen and write.

pair work

双人活动 1.produce some words with le:


2.ss find out more words with le.

presents some of the words, both of which are located in le words, let ss read.


group work

小组活动 1.making sounds:两组各派一名代表扮演-le,其他同学分别扮演一些辅音字母:d,t,b,p,v,s...任选一个,师范读,如:b,-ble.



after-school activities

课外活动 1. write more words with le,then read them.

2. listen to the story on page 55 1’

period 4

教学内容:pep4 unit 5 my clothes b let’s talket’s find out (book4)


部分 links

环节 steps

步骤 activities

活动 time

时间 reflection


let me know

让我明白 review复习 warm up

热身 1. greeting

2. let’s sing:this old hat

let’s do:p49

let the ss review the words of the clothes.



lead in


explicit objectives

明晰教学目标 1. the students can listen, read the following sentence patterns: whose pants are those? they r e your father s whose coat is this? it s mine.

2. ss can be used in the actual situation above sentence patterns to describe others or their own clothes.

presentation 呈现 review

复习 1. guessing game: the ss are close your eyes, and a child to describe her own clothes, you guess who he is.

2. show some clothes, to review the words and sentence patterns:

what are they?—they are...

1. show a coat, let the ss guess who is it.

t:"whose coat is it?"

s:it’s ....’s.

show me some clothes: skirt, hat,dress. let ss practice the sentence pattern.

2. show a pair of shoes, let the ss guess who are they.

t:"whose shoes are they?"

s:they are...’s.

3. show a picture of sam wearing a coat and let ss guess

t: whose coat is it ?

s1:it’s father’s.

s2:it’s mother’s.

present the word:coat, let ss pronounce the pants according to the hint of phonics.


listen to the video,and answer.

whose coat is it?

whose pants are those?

lead in




:let me try


engagement 操练 individual work

个人活动 1. teachers play the courseware, let the children watch the story, understand the content. let the students imitate the tone of characters in the story by watching them say.

2. role to the courseware dubbing,

group practice and performance

pair work

双人活动 1. lets find out: two people a group said monday.

2. put the children some of the clothes in the platform, let the child description, description can retrieve correctly.

3. yes or no: let children blindfolded, touch the table clothes guess, these are my ....

after-school activities

课外活动 1. listen to page 51 let s talk part of the tape

period 5

教学内容:pep4 unit 5 my clothes b let’s learnet’s find out (book4)


部分 links

环节 steps

步骤 activities

活动 time

时间 reflection


let me know

让我明白 review复习 warm up

热身 1. greeting

2. let’s sing:this old hat

3. let’s do:p49



lead in

导入 1. review the words of the clothes

overview概述 task assignment

布置任务 we are going on a trip. what do you want to wear? choose , colour and say.

explicit objectives

明晰教学目标 1. ss are able to read these words: pants socks,shirt,jacket,sweater.

2. students are able to read the plural form of the word.

3. learn to use words plural form description of clothes

4. ss can connected to a plural noun with are

presentation 呈现 review

复习 1. revie the words of colours.

2. talk about your clothes. ss introduce your own clothes color, style.

3. show some clothes,ask and answer.

t:whose hat is it?

s1:it’s ....’s

t:whose pants are these?

s2:they are ...’s.

t:what colour is the hat?


t:what colour are they?

t:they are....

1. show a picture of let’s learn

sarah are going on a trip. what does she want to wear?guess!

s1:i think she wants to wear....

let the students say some names of clothes.

2. where is/are the skirts/hats/dress..?

let the students point out on stage.

3. present the words:jacket.

where is the jacket? let ss pronounce the jacket according to the hint of phonics.


t:what colour are the jackets?

s:they are ....

let the students pay attention to the end of the “s”

4. where is the sweater?

present the words:sweater. where is the sweater? let ss pronounce the sweater according to the hint of phonics.

t:what colour are the sweaters?

s:they are ....

5. teach the new words in the sam

e ways.(coat,shirt,socks,shorts)

lead in




let me try


engagement 操练 individual work

个人活动 1. listen and read these new words.

2. what does sarah want to wear?

i think she wants to wear....

3. listen and say.

pair work

双人活动 1. listen and point.

s1:where is the coat?

s2:where are the pants?

one student say, another student point out .

group work

小组活动 1. we are going on a trip,what do you want to wear?choose and colour in groups.

let me do

让我做 summary 总结 task fulfillment

完成任务 i want wear my blue pants....

after-school activities

课外活动 1、read on page 52.

2、introduce their own clothes to your parents.

period 6教学内容:

pep4 unit 5 my clothes b read and write et’s check(book4)


部分 links

环节 steps

步骤 activities

活动 time

时间 reflection


let me know

让我明白 review复习 warm up

热身 1. greeting

2. let’s sing:this old hat



lead in

导入 1. the end of the trip,sarah is packing her clothes.what kind of clothes is sarah’s.

overview概述 task assignment

布置任务 clothing display

explicit objectives

明晰教学目标 1. ss can use and write the following sentences:

this is... these are...

2. ss can sing the songs in ‘let s sing’.

presentation 呈现 review

复习 1. greeting

2. what’s missing

review the words of clothes.

3. clothing display

talk about your clothes. students show. review the sentence pattern.

a: look! these are my ....

b: what colour are they?


b: are those your...?

a: yes, they are.

4. ss look at the picture,listen and circle .

5. read the passage and answer the questions.

lead in




let me try


engagement 操练 individual work

个人活动 1. read the passage .

2. write the sentences.

3. draw your clothes and write a sentences.

4. let’s check

group work

小组活动 1. look and match

student shopping for clothes,and use the sentence pattern.

a:what are these?

b:these are yellow pants.

a:i like red pants.

b:here you are.

let me do

让我做 summary 总结 feed back


after-school activities 1. sing the song for parents.”this old hat”

2. tell a story for parents

3. 完成测试卷unit 4





(2)帮助学生在学习新知识的过程中复习旧知识,并能结合已学句型“how many……can you see ?/ do you have?/ ican see……/ i have……/等句型进行回答、替换和运用。







thirteen、 fifteen、 eighteen、 twenty的发音。







1、everyday english(每日英语)

2、sing a song.“ten little candle dance”(师生表演唱)

3、introduce themselves to new teachers (自我介绍)

eg:my name is……。i’m a girl/ boy.

i’m from……i like……etc.

4、play a guessing game(猜数字)

t:which number is in my pocket?


1、learn to say new words.(学习新数字)


b、make 13 (让学生用英语编数学算式?+?=13) eg:what’s six and seven? six and seven is 13.



eg:t:look!what are they? ss:books.

t:how many books can you see?

let’s count,please.

ss:one,two……fifteen. b、练习朗读该单词(跟读,打行读,小组读,齐读)


eg:this is 15. seven and eight is 15.

i like 15. my brother/ sister is 15.

i have fifteen……

a、t:i have something in my bag. guess. what do i have?


t:look!what are they?


t:how many pencils do i have? guess. please!


t:open it and see. count please. one……eighteen. oh, eighteen pencils.that’s right. i have eighteen pencils.



eg:eighteen books

eighteen dogs……

a、t:(拿着球)look, what’s that? oh, it’s a ball. i like balls. and i can bouncethe ball. now, i bounce the ball, please count!教师拍球,学生数数,数至20,然后故意把球拍丢了。



教师也用简笔画边画苹果,边提问学生:what can you see? how many apples can yousee?(本环节的教学内容可以从数字12添到20。再出示这几个数字卡片让学生读一读。)

2、listen and repeat.(先给学生听一遍录音,让学生复述自己听到的,然后再翻书指着单词跟读)


三、practice and consolidation(操练和巩固)



eg:t:thirteen, thirteen, where is 13?

ss:thirteen,thirteen, here it is.


eg:how many, how many fingers?

five and seven is twelve. how old are you? how old are you? i’m____


talk about the picture


教师引导学生就图展开讨论,教师先示范引导:look this is a picture. is it beautiful? what can yousee? what colour? how many? ……




(2)listen and connect the dots.(听音连点)

2、二:read, think and write.(看、想、填)

five fifteen six twelve eighteen

seventeen thirteen nine

3、三:make a survey.(填写调查表,请用上how many…do you have?i have…。you have…)


unit 1 …seventeen,eighteen,nineteen,twenty!

a & b let’s learn let’s play

5+6=11 5+7=12 5+8=13 thirteen

4→14 fourteen

15 fifteen

6→16 sixteen

7→17 seventeen how many……?

18 eighteen they are……。

9→19 nineteen how nice!

20 twenty the orange one is a bird.




