
时间:2023-06-03 10:06:19 分类:读后感




at first, the author told me in a somewhat sarcastic tone that the adults seemed to only understand the numeral language. for children, there is no significant number; for adults, it is the most important language. the little prince i saw is written by france. i like the two sentences in the book. one is children.

they often give great tolerance to adults. i think this little prince and inquisitive spirit about it! just as a child asks what it is, if a child does not say a child, he will always ask, because children give adults a lot of tolerance and patience, so they are willing to wait for the answer to the adult. the exception is the mysterious place of tears. a beautiful sentence, which is sad, sad and touching, has been described as beautiful and hazy. it's really lovely.

the book refers to the little prince who has gone to many planets. it is sad to have a king, an arrogant man, a drunkard, a businessman, a geologist, and a light man, and it seems to be satirize all kinds of adults. but there is also a derogatory praise, the story also mentions the dedication, even love, i think this is a story book.

finish the story, finish the whole look, even read it again, i have a very two ends of the feeling, one end is sad, the sentimental of parting is out of the heart from the bottom of the heart; the other end is happy is happy, this is the later feeling, this book is very good!


“when the long winter nights come on and the wolves follow their meat into the lower valleys, he may be seen running at the head of the back through the pale moonlight or glimmering borealis, leaping gigantic above his followers, his great throat a bellow as he sings a song of the younger world, which is the song of the pack.”

there was a script about the savage life in the frozen north of ice and snow. there were the unexplored north areas of america and the 19th-century klondike gold rush which dragged men from the entire world into the hard wild to look for gold. there was a road where a gigantic dog like human fought his way to struggle in the wasteland. there was a civilized beast grew from mildness to wildness. and there came the call of the wild.

the background and plot

in the 19th century, it was said that gold had been found in the klondike area in northern california of vast wilderness, so thousands of people rushed into this uncultivated ground to seek for gold and fortune, which needed a large quantity of dogs to support for the transportation. there came up buck story which we can’t define it as luckiness or unluckiness.

buck, a dog weighed one hundred and forty pounds, tall, strong, and heavy muscled, lived a cozy and comfortable life in a rich family of a judge named miller, but was soled by evil gardener to two dog dealers and was took to alaska as a sled dog.

led by his second masters, two governmental couriers, he studied how to pull a sled and how to live in this cruel world where needed more cunning behavior and less fake moral and courtesy. for example, he learned to sleep in the snow hole to get warmness from the clod nights, and he learned to thief bacon and food from his masters and neighboring camps, as well as that, he learned how to fight effectively and efficiently with his antagonists and survive of the combat about the dominant leader with spitz. in addition to those, he also went through the hardships in the toil on the ice layer, and he learned how to obtain the victory and stand on the wilderness which was beneficial to himself who can only fit the environment, but can’t defy the harness.

after the arduous trace and trail, they finally reached the destination, and then, after a short break, dogs including buck led by a scotch half-breed man stepped again on the ice land with the salt water mail. it was a hard trip and a monotonous life operating like machine that dogs must undertake the heave pulling and poor condition where they were tired and short of weight. buck’ partner, dave who had something wrong inside suffered most of all, but pride as he was, pulling the sled was his holy missionary job which can fulfill his life and must be done until his death. however, the tough work was still continuous.

thirty days passes, by which time buck and his mates found how really tired and weak they are until they arrived at the last town. they were in a wretched state, worn out and worn out, which was not the tiredness that came from a brief and excessive effort and can be recovered from some hours’ rest, but was the dead tiredness that came through the slow and prolonged strength drainage of months of toil and had to need a long vocation to evacuate. nevertheless, only three days after they were bought by a family including a foolish woman, a callow and ignorant youngster, and a middle aged man with weak and watery eyes. never mind of dog’s frazzle, the third masters tried their best to lash out at them with whip, but buck was not under very good command and not proud and interested of this career. until they reached at the camp of thornton, with the natural instinct and extreme weariness, buck tolerated the whip from his so called masters and refused to go ahead which was his luckiness to meet his last master, thornton.

without doubt, thornton was a good master, full of wisdom, intelligence and love who can manage buck’s life comfortably and in order. by the careful attendance form his new master, buck was on his feet quickly and solidly. filled with the loying love toward his master, buck companied him, saved his life for several times and helped him win the gambling party. then, they faced into the east on an unknown trail to achieve where men and dogs as good as themselves has failed, as the call from the wild became stronger and stronger which attracted buck to leave the civilization to look for. the knife that cut out the bound of buck between his masters was the master’s deaths which left a void in the dog’s heart and a strengthened calling from the wild. buck, a civilized dog, finally went back to wolves after thousands of generation by singing a song of the younger world, which is the song of the pack.

survive of the fittest

the call of the wild abounded in darwinism which advocated the evolutionism and natural selection theory.

in the process of having to leave the comfortable miller’s house and adapt to the harsh primitive snowfield, buck went through the changes from the mildness to wildness where he studied the law of club and fang and admitted the rule of failure without progress. “he had learned well the law of club and fang, and he never forewent an advantage or drew back from a foe he had started on the way to death.” “he must master or be mastered,” “kill or be killed, eat or be eaten, was the law; and this mandate, down out of the depths of time, he obeyed.”

after analysis, we can find that related to the darwinism, learning ability was an important factor of the victory of living of buck. as a south dog living in the rich family and innocent environment, buck was not wary of manuel’s uncommon behavior, but situation has changed entirely after a period of barbaric life: he showed hostility to his all possible mates and took precaution of everything. as well as that, throwing away the moral standard and facing the death of starvation, buck had an ability of thief. “this first theft marked buck as fit to survive in the hostile northland environment. it marked his adaptability, his capacity to adjust himself to changing conditions, the lack of which would have meat swift and terrible death.” in addition to those, his muscles became hard as iron, and he grew dumb to all ordinary pain, and he can successful take full use of all the elements no matter internal or external. that’s the progression of buck which can equip him with thick helmets from being hurt deeply and made him be the fittest.

not only did he learnt by experience, but instincts long dead became alive again. maybe knowledge acquired by learning was buck’s left hand, instincts his right. good pedigree set up his first sense of a tall, strong and muscular potential king, while the instinct helped him to learn fast and save his life. “it was no task for him to learn to fight with cut and slash and the quick wolf snap.” “they came to him without effort or discovery, as though they had been his always.”

buck changed as his living environment changed. with the change of environment, buck, compared to the previous southern family dog that was mild and gentle, acquired many abilities and skills. he tried his best to live by becoming cunning, cold-blood, and cruel which make him step forward on the road of corpse and blood. survive of the fittest which is demonstrated by adaptation to the environment and wielding the law to protect himself and attack on others made him roared on the top of the food chain and return to wolves.

all what buck has done was not due to his reason and thought, but due to his fit. he was fit to everything surrounding him unconsciously and put him to the new way of living quickly.

“the theory, ‘survival of the fittest’, is the law of biological evolution which implies that plants or animals adapt to the environment to survive or to dieit is the biological survival rule of brutal biosphere.” that is to say, the key of this law is that those who can fit the environment can survive, on the contrary, those failed to fit would be obsolete under the rule of elimination.

peeping at buck and his struggle, we can have a vision of us human that was also fighting in the battlefield with our mates and against our enemy. filled with bustling stuff, we tried our best to stand on the top of right and authority only because that position would give us more materials and the sense of pride which we depended on to live. flowers in the greenhouse didn’t know about the hardship of living, so they showed goodwill and send aroma to others; while life in the ice field where wind was blowing like knife and thick snow can bury people only showed a will of survive and cut up the useless goodness to wear on the coldness.

we must do it because we had to do it. the pack of animal was like a society of people. death and genocide would happen on us if we were not willing to fit the environment thoroughly. to dance with the shackle of survive of the fittest was the policy we should carry out forever, the reason why our human stood on the top of biologic chain, and the rule of living of every individual.

my opinion on virtue and vice

some people had said virtue was the biggest treasure that human should obey. there is no doubt that kindness, loyalty, honor, love, companionship, sympathy, mercy, and other virtue should be followed. however, i argue that there is transformation between different virtue and even the virtue and vice.

showing the feature of three animals: dog, wolf and human, buck was the bridge that connected the past and present. as the production of human civilization, dog was evolved from wolf and they would still howl on the wilderness if human didn’t raise and train them.

buck was a mirror from which we can see ourselves. through this dog, writer told us that only in a place where sun darted its forth beams and everything was in order human will wear the coat of basic goodness, otherwise, kindness would be eliminated if it met with the club and fang. in the cruel process of primitive accumulation of capitalism, mercy and sympathy was not needed for those quality can lead to death of innocent people. in the period of survive of the fittest, life was not concerned with civilization, while wilderness was the real marrow of life and echoing for the wilderness was the beginning of revival. buck realized that “mercy did not exist in the primordial life. it was misunderstood for fear, and such misunderstanding made for death.” this phenomenon can be seen in dogs as well as human. wilderness were calling for human and eliminating the kindness in human’s heart stealthily.

in a treatise of human nature, british philosopher david hume has said moral came from human’s emotion and conscience but not rationality. the essence of moral existed in the perceptual knowledge, but not rational knowledge. therefore, the reason why moral distinctions had the division of virtue and vice was that the judgment of moral came from human’s attitude toward their internal actions and external objects. the judgment of moral came from our interest appeal; that is to say, the judgment of moral came from what was good to us, but not what is good.

let us think the question that which direction of buck’s change to a beast was, progression or retrogression? the answer was that we can’t answer because he survived due to that he threw away those so called virtue and carry out those so called villainy. all what buck did was under the pressure of living, and he responded to the call of the wild only because he wanted to live. maybe in the comfortable and civilized judge’s house, he would stick to the standard of moral and protect the respect of judge’s riding whip by dying under his whip. but in this cold field, sticking to those so called moral was a fool. possibly in this kind of world, brutality, cold-bloodedness, cunning and so on was the moral.

the division of virtue and vice was the refection of the division of civilization and wilderness to some degree. maybe we can’t define what moral was and what vice was now in some scene, but we can try to last for enough time to seek for the answer.

run after the free life

the call from the wild stood for human’s nature to run after a simple, independent and free life.

buck was bored of the complex life where he must deal with such a big net of relationship. he just wanted to run and leap through the forest, howled under the grey moonlight, ate what he liked and killed what he liked without many rules to obey. no one desired to live a complicated life for it’s difficult and tiring to reckon other people, while life in the wilderness was just that eat or eaten, kill or killed and there was no middle ground. easy and simple life was set up on the uncivilized world where creatures didn’t have so much relation and elements to consider. only being independent from all that can we find what we wanted.

when unpracticed charles and his relatives sunk in a ice hole, writer said that “a yawning hole was all that was to be seen.” that hole was a capitalistic vast mouth that can eat people, but which would be rotten if we escaped from it. “here a yellow stream flows from rotted moosehide sacks and sinks into the ground, with long grasses growing through it and vegetable mould overrunning it and hiding its yellow from the sun.” the gold that thornton got has become a yellow stream because they were eroded by natural power and lost their value. imagine in a world where was entirely natural and uncivilized, gold, a kind of iron and currency, was entirely futile, isn’t it?

being free of human world and even free of materials, buck got a totally new life where he can run at the head of the pack through the pale moonlight to release his vitality and got comfort from nature. we needed materials actually, but material was void actually. how can we get free? to get free of our hearts.


there are two sentences i’d like to mention. first, human beings, never degenerate into beasts. second, beasts, never degenerate into human beings. correctness of those two sentences should be discussed.

human’s progression began in the point when human beings evolved from wilderness period to civilization, but the retrogression also began at the point when people shared the feast of civilization. for us who are far away from the wilderness and raised and trained by civilization, this book gives us a new vision.

sometimes a picture floating in my mind: in the icy forest, a silhouette of buck as a wolf caned his neck to howl toward the pale moonlight to echo the howling of pack. that’s the song of animal, and the chant of human, and the snarl of life.


i have read many fairy tale books, but the most exciting one is little prince, which tells many stories about the little prince during his interstellar journey.

let's take a look at the little prince's world: the little prince lives on a deserted planet. there are only three volcanoes and a rose on that planet. it can be seen how many stars there are. every day, he digs the roots of baobab trees. one day, roses grow out. from then on, they become good friends. the little prince watered the roses to catch insects, and the little prince was bored and left his home.

on the third planet, there lived a drunkard. the little prince asked the drunkard a lot of questions, but the drunkard said that the little prince couldn't understand it at all. finally, the little prince left silently.

the little prince, after walking through one planet after another, finally came to the earth. he found that there were many roses exactly the same as his original ones. under the guidance of the little fox, he also knew that the only thing that was needed for each other was that rose, which was unique.

the little prince, although it is only the work that the author made in one go in a short time. but it has profound creative background and implication. it is not only a fairy tale book, but also the crystallization of philosophy and thinking. self-reflection: we should also learn to cherish the unique rose in our hearts.

after reading this book, i firmly believe that we are all children who pursue happiness.


in the world history of literature, some many classical famous works are going to be immortal, but jane eyre deeply enters peoples soul deeply, it by irresistible intrinsic deep has attracted the tens of thousands of readers deeply, has affected peoples inner world, is in the world history of literature the eternal classics.

jane eyres author charlotte bronte and howls the mountain village author amy li · bronte is sisters. although two people live in the identical family and the social environment, but disposition actually entirely different. charlotte bronte the natural disposition is arrogant, pursues and yearns for all fine things. she from has slightly lost the maternal love, obtains the father likes very being also few, her appearance is thin and small, also is unattractive, jane eyres contour is completely charlotte bronte the real portrayal. charlotte bronte perhaps on because own appearance is not conspicuous, created her innermost soul depth to feel inferior deeply, reflected in hers disposition was the sensitive self-respect.

jane eyre double perishes from the little parents, lives under subjugation, not only cousins insult, despising which the aunt not covers up, to has lodged the school, but also must receive teacher the unfair treatment. is precisely all these, let jane eyre practice on the self-confident spirit which stood buffer, caused mr. rochester to shock for it, regarded as her to be possible with own energetic equality conversation person, and deep has fallen in love with her deeply. his sincerity lets her be moved, she decided entrusts for his life. but in the marriage that one day, the accident knew actually in addition has madame who contracts neurosis, life in sand field’s top layer. she said righteously to that, “you thought i poor, mean, am not beautiful, am diminutive, i do not have the soul, has not had the heart? - - you thought mistakenly! - - jan · likes with you having the soul - - also completely to have a heart equally! … i not am relying on the custom, the convention now, even not relies on the human body every tire bead heel you to converse, but is my mind in with yours mind speech, as soon as probably we all leave the world, two people stand equally in front of god - - because we are originally equal!”

this also is jane eyre tells her to have to leave his reason: “i must defend this standpoint firmly.” deeper one is jane eyre thought oneself received own to trust humans deceit. asked which woman can withstand oneself humans deceit which most intimate, most trusts. in such situation, jane eyre has also made an unusual rational decision. has unusual strength love surrounding in such one, but also has under the wealthy life enticement, she still must persist from already individual dignity.

i thought, if it is me, i definitely at that time forgave , i could use each reason to convince oneself remain down, but jan does not have, she chose resolutely left. this also is precisely jane eyre is most lovable, the most valuable place - - persists own principle.

the novel has designed a very bright ending. s manor has destroyed; he has also become a disabled person. between such situation, jane eyre no longer and loves the contradiction in the dignity. but simultaneously obtains satisfies——she and s marriage has the dignity, simultaneously also has the love.

in the modern society, the very few some people can look like jane eyre to be same, is love, gets rid all for the personality, moreover is duty-bound not to turn back. the pursue entire heart pays, moreover a pure like ice water……


look at the book, let me think of a lot, i also dont know this book, under the reminder of my girlfriend i discovered this book, i think this writing is very good, although the story took place in 152 years ago, but it can also write the faint shore of the world, the master is really miserable, but difficult to do her,

she still insists on living, she still has a perfect result, this is to eat bitter bitter, fang is the truth of the human being, we also want like her in the real life!

i hope all the students, all the young people, dont be scared in front of difficulties, to be brave in the face of it, you can walk out from the difficulties, so you are a brave man!

believe that you are also a person of interest!


gone with the wind was dubbed "gone with the wind". it's a romantic love story written by a famous american writer named margaret mitchell. from the protagonist scarlett, i learned the spirit of self-improvement, she made me feel deeply.

scarlett is a woman who grew up in a farm. she was stubborn, proud, rebellious and vain. when she was sixteen, she liked ashley, just as the civil war broke out. ashley wants to marry melanie. the wayward scarlett knew that she married melanie's brother charles. after that, charles died in the battle of the union. soon scarlett's mother died young, and her father lost her labor.

the widow's life made it unbearable for the vivacious scarlett, who had met rhett, who had argued with her father on the farm at a hospital giving. now rhett was a great businessman, very rich. during the dance, rhett asked scarlett to be his partner. scarlett, tempted, stepped into the dance floor. since then, scarlett has been flirting with the officers frequently, but she still loves ashley.

on the eve of christmas, scarlett decided to tell ashley that she liked ashley. but the war tribulations of ashely had lost the passion of the past, and ignored scarlett. at the beginning of the second year, ashley was wounded in the war and captured in rock island.

forced by the war, scarlett had to escape the city of the city of the cannon. in desperation, scarlett turned to rhett. rhett managed to get her out of town, and went to tara all night. at last the war was over, and the new government was going to auction off tara, and scarlett wanted to keep tara. at this time, ashley came back, his clothes ragged, his old qualities faded, he became timid, he could not help himself. scarlett thought of rhett when she thought of rhett, but rhett was running away from business.

on the way home, the mood depressed she accidentally met sister's fiance, frank, frank is a boss now, scarlett had a plan, let frank and she got married and gave birth to a daughter, but soon and discover, frank, with no help for your business.

during a journey to deliver the goods, the goods were attacked by blacks, and falkland was killed. ashley was injured and she survived and married rhett with help from rhett. a year later, their daughter, mei lan, was born, and rhett put all her feelings into the beauty. on the eve of ashley's birthday, scarlett and ashley embraced and saw rhett, and rhett quarrelled with scarlett. at the same time, the american blue accidentally fell dead. melanie by illness died, died, confided ashley to scarlett, desperate to ashley scarlett, hugged him, sad no response in the face of ashley, scarlett finally understand, she loved ashley is not exist, she really love is rhett.

scarlett hurried home and decided to tell rhett that she really loved him. and the grieving rhett was determined to return home. after a series of family changes, scarlett decided to make a new life and hope for a better tomorrow. she was full of fight, never give up, never despair.

"gone with the wind" is a beautifully written novel with a dramatic and undulating plot. in the novel, i like scarlett's brave and strong, like rhett's resourceful and decisive, like melanie's outside soft inside. scarlett comes along the way of life, and when she faces difficulties, she chooses to greet. when she faces the responsibility, she chooses to bear; when she faces love, she chooses to escape, but later, it is too late.

in fact, we are not so. how fleeting is life, the first ten years of the unexamined, the last ten years of old age, even after 80 years of life, the real life may only be sixty years. when you make a calendar of tens of thousands of days, tear one page your life will be one day less, this one suffering and who can tolerate? so, please cherish all things in front of you, don't always think that there will be better later, the result will only be mediocre, regret and.

life is short, when we face difficulties, please don't hold back. we also want to be hopeful and hopeful for the future. we should never give up and believe in everything, as the hero says, "tomorrowisanotherday!" so let's forge our own glorious life together.


do you know harry potter? it’s one of my favourite sparetime readings and it’s written by j. k. rowling. she had the idea about harry potter when she was on train, “harry just walked into my head.” she said later. she started writing the first edition of harry potter the next day.

harry potter is a magical school student who wears glasses and has no parents, now he is 16 years old. he is very brave and known by everyone because he is the only person who will not die by devil. at school, he has two good friends, they are rone and henry.

when read the book my first time, i feel very exciting and interesting. so i read it again and again, each time i have different feelings, sometimes i even feel as if i’m one of potter’s partners. now there are five edition of harry potter published and they are very popular with young students. books about harry potter have sold millions of copies all over the world. do you like harry potter? if you haven’t rea

read the book yet, read it now and you’ll find a wonderful world.




