
时间:2023-03-01 18:06:52 分类:读后感




jane eyre — a beautiful souljane eyre, is a poor but aspiring, small in body but huge insoul, obscure but self-respecting girl. after we close the coversof the book, after having a long journey of the spirit, jane eyre,a marvelous figure, has left us so much to recall and to think:we remember her goodness: for someone who lost arms and blinded ineyes, for someone who despised her for her ordinariness, and evenfor someone who had hurt her deeply in the past.we remember her pursuit of justice. it’s like a companion with thegoodness. but still, a virtuous person should promote the goodnesson one side and must check the badness on the other side.we remember her self-respect and the clear situation on equality.in her opinion, everyone is the same at the god’s feet. thoughthere are differences in status、in property and also in appearance,but all the human being are equal in personality.we also remember her striving for life, her toughness and herconfidence…when we think of this girl, what she gave us was not a pretty faceor a transcendent temperament that make us admire deeply, but ahuge charm of her personality.actually, she wasn’t pretty, and of course, the ordinary appearancedidn’t make others feel good of her, even her own aunt feltdisgusted with it. and some others even thought that she was easyto look down on and to tease, so when miss ingram met jane eyre,she seemed quite contemptuous, for that she was obviously much moreprettier than ‘the plain and ugly governess’. but as the littlegoverness had said: ‘do you think, because i am poor, obscure,plain, and little, i am soulless and heartless? you think wrong!’this is the idea of equality in jane eyre’s mind. god hadn’t givenher beauty and wealth, but instead, god gave her a kind mind and athinking brain. her idea of equality and self-respect impress us somuch and let us feel the power inside her body.in my mind, though a person’s beauty on the face can make othersonce feel that one is attractive and charming, if his or her mindisn’t the same beautiful as the appearance, such as beauty cannotlast for, when others find that the beauty which had charmed themwas only a falsity, it’s not true, they will like the person nomore. for a long time, only a person’s great virtue, a noble soul,a beautiful heart can be called as an everlasting beauty, just askahill gibran has said, that ‘beauty is a heart enflamed and a soulenchanted’. i can feel that how beauty really is, as we are allfleshly men, so we can’t distinguish whether a man is of noblenessor humbleness, but fleshly men, so we can’t distinguish whether aman is of nobleness or humbleness, but as there are greatdifferences in our souls, and from that, we can know that whether aman is noble or ordinary, and even obscure, that is, whether he isbeautiful or not.her story makes us thinking about life and we learn much from herexperience, at least, that is a fresh new recognition of the realbeauty.


"great expectations" has been considered to be one of charles dickens’ most mature and relatively late works. having experienced a wealth of human life, dickens got a profound understanding of human-being, the surrounding environment and his life experiences while all his mature thinking and understanding were summarized into the book "great expectations"。 the original meaning of the work’s title in fact is a heritage, but when it was translated into chinese it gave me an impression that the title shows the hero of the story had great expectations. however, reading over the book i realized that this "great expectations" takes an ironic band——it should be said that the theme of this work not only told the story of orphan pip who wanted to be the ideal first-class disillusionment. if one does think so, he holds a wrong understanding of the great significance why dickens creative the work. the hero pip lived with his sister’s family. though their life was hard, pip didn’t wish to be a first-class person his vision was to be a blacksmith like his brother-in-law, his sister’s husband. the reason why he changed his mind and was eager to be a first-class person later was the changing of environment——he met miss harvisham, estella and some other complex people. as we know one of dickenss philosophy thoughts is environment takes a deep impact to humans’ ideological and the story expresses his view that different environment creates different people. in short, i think the work was not arbitrarily written, but was based on the 10 works before aggregating dickens’ thoughts. what is more, dickens had put his outlook on life, his views of philosophy and ethics into the great creation.

the story is pided into three phases of pips life expectations. the first "expectation" is allotted 19 chapters, and the other two 20 chapters each in the 59-chapter work. in some editions, the chapter numbering reverts to chapter one in each expectation, but the original publication and most modern editions number the chapters consecutively from one to 59. at the end of chapters 19 and 39, readers are formally notified that they have reached the conclusion of a phase of pips expectations.

in the first expectation, pip lives a humble existence with his ill-tempered older sister and her strong but gentle husband, joe gargery. pip is satisfied with this life and his warm friends until he is hired by miss havisham and estella.from that time on, pip aspires to leave behind his simple life and be a gentleman. this life is suddenly turned upside down when he is visited by a london attorney, mr. jaggers.

the second stage of pips expectations has pip in london, learning the details of being a gentlemen, having tutors, fine clothing, and joining cultured society. at the end of this stage, pip is introduced to his benefactor, again changing his world.


with so many famous masterpieces on the booklist, it is really a pretty hard job to chooseone to read first. after much hesitation and deeply thought, i finally decided to borrowgreat expectations from the small library.

great expectations is about love, family, and rejection as pip and miss havisham have bothbeen rejected in certain ways. pip is a boy around 13 years old, easy to fright, and goesthrough his life suffering lots of sadness. he is in love with a girl named estella and wantsher to find his love, but for him being shy and not showing himself to her, it makes it veryhard for him.

great expectations was the penultimate novel pleted by the most popular novelist ofvictorian england, charles dickens. born in kent, england, in 1812 to a family of modestmeans but great pretensions, dickens’s early life was marked by both humiliation andambition. dickens never forgot the period of financial crisis during his childhood, whenfollowing his father’s bankruptcy, he was taken out of school and forced to work in ashoepolish warehouse.

pip meets an escaped convict,magwitch,and gives him food, in an encounter that is tohaunt both their lives.when pip receives riches from a mysterious benefactor he snobbishly abandons his friendsfor london society and his“great expectations”。

i set up my mind to select it for the reason that i have read a brief introduction of thismasterpiece in my high school english textbook before. in addition, a tale of two citieswhich is also written by charles dickens, the outstanding and special english writer, left mea wonderful and deep impression, when i finished reading the marvelous story.

of course, great expectations didn’t let me down, either. what’s more, the whole structureof the novel is well and elaborately designed. the plot is extremely attractive and full ofunexpected twists. quite a few characters have a distinguishable personality. moreover, thosewords and sentences are so beautiful and meaningful that i even took them down carefully inmy notebook. by reading them no less than three times, i have learned not only some newphrases and sentences, but also a philosophy of life.

among the characters, which impressed me most are not pip and estella who should be regardedas the leading roles, but joe and magwitch. i feel awfully sorry that i was not brave enoughto read the original edition that is as thick as a brick. otherwise, i may appreciate joe andmagwitch more.

yes, they are not the main characters in the novel. however, what they saidand what they did deeply touched me. it’s interesting, isn’t it? they are quite theopposite guys. one is a totally good man without the least bit of wickedness while the otheris a prisoner who is believed to have mitted every evil.

i believe that everyone who reads the book is to like joe. when he talked about his heavydrinking father who hit him a lot, he said he had a lot of love. faced with his rude wife, hewould rather seem a bit weak or foolish than stand up to her and fight for himself. knowingpeacockish pip was ashamed of his uneducated manners, he left sadly and quietly. the worldrushes on over the strings of the lingering heart making the music of sadness. but when hewas informed of pip’s illness, he immediately came to take good care of pip.

he is alwayscontributing everything and requiring nothing. such a man is joe, kind, tolerant andselfless. "nothing is so mild and gentle as courage, nothing so cruel and pitiless ascowardice," says a wise author.

however, why do i appreciate magwitch, the bad guy? you may wonder. indeed, magwitch did alot of evil things when he was young. but how can you be unmoved when you get to know thatthe old man kept himself going just by thinking of the boy who once did him a small favor?

he lost his only daughter and pip had no parents, so he considered himself as the boy’ssecond father, making up his mind to help his dear boy became a gentleman. he did every kindof job and led a hard life in australia. at last he made a big fortune and promised himselfthat all the money would go to pip.

he could have led a better life in australia ,but ihechose to go back to london 。with the simple intention of seeing pip, he went back at the riskof being hanged! “whatever the fault he had from the start, remember, reader, he had a goodheart.” joe used these words to describe his father. but i think these words can betterdescribe magwitch. he lived with the fear of death all his life. who shuts love out, in turnshall be shut outfrom love. however,thankfully,because pip finally realized his goodheart, his ending was peaceful.

dickens has pip as the writer and first person narrator of this account of his lifesexperiences, and the entire story is understood to have been written as a retrospective,rather than as a present tense narrative or a diary or journal. still, though pip "knows" howall the events in the story will turn out,he uses only very subtle foreshadowing so that welearn of events only when the pip in the story does. pip does, however,use the perspectiveof the bitter lessons hes learned to ment acidly on various actions and attitudes in hisearlier life.

i know how to fully understand this novel,twice is far from enough. pip,estella, misshavisham,biddy even mr wemmick, every single character has a story that is well worth myattention. i love this novel so much that i am determined to read the original edition oneday. believe me. but before that day es,i will see the movie great expectations first.

search for knowledge, read more,sit on your front porch and admire the view without payingattention to your needs.


"young prince" narrates is lonely, the sad child's story, he lives ona young star. one day, he left the star which he lives, starts totravel. he passed through various star, afterwards, he arrived theearth, finally, he returned to his star.

in the travel, the young prince saw the of all forms person in thesociety confused:

king, loves the vanity person

the drunkard, for put behind ashamed drinks

the industrialist, only likes calculating the astronomy number typemoney

their only mon ground, in the heart fills the vanity

in the travel, the young prince discovered that, the people arethe places which always does not will satisfy oneself lives, they arepursuing happiness with hardship, but actually frequently crudelyhappily expels from the side

he and the author met one another in the desert, they graduallyhave bee the friend. seeks naive which loses to that, with move.


i remember that night, holding the moon and sixpence, and looking out the window at a bright full moon, i thought, is it worth pursuing such a moon?

"the moon and sixpence" is a story that seems close to madness to ordinary people. a middle—aged successful banker abandoned his wife and daughter to pursue his dream of being a painter. but he didn't want to be famous, he just wanted to paint, and he ended up burning all his pictures.

why is he doing this? he could live very well, very well, and live on sixpence, because the moon in his heart, has been guiding him forward, the moon should be pure, she also wanted to be like the moon, so he raised his head. he began to pursue his dream of being a painter, was stigmatized, abandoned his wife and children, he ignored. it takes a lot of courage.

but few people in reality have the courage to pursue their dreams like this banker. dream, just like the bright moon is out of reach, someone wants to fly into space, but when he sees the tedious astronaut training, he lowers his head to pick up the sixpence; there is a man who wants to make a name for himself, and when he sees the dull and difficult facts in a book, he looks down and picks up the sixpence; a man wanted to be a doctor, but when he saw the doctor's hard work, he looked down and picked up sixpence. i think six is to refer to the ordinary and vulgar people, those people saw the moon, but flinch, in the heart want to do a vulgar people how? they live in such an ordinary way, but, no dream of life is meaningful?

the pursuit of courage is valuable, so successful people are few and far between. but courage is not enough, you also have to have wisdom, morality, and a pair of eyes to see through the world. a banker is one of those people who, like the buddhists, pursue only his dream and drive out all other distractions. there are many temptations, fame, money, success in the eyes of others. even fewer people put distractions and temptations to the back of their minds.

therefore, those who pursue their dreams are happy people; truly pursue the dream of the people is qinghuan; he who gets his dreams is the successful one.

people in the world have different spiritual levels, but everyone has different pursuit, i hope that everyone in the world can live a successful life in their heart.


a book report of the little prince

simplified version

recently i read a book with the title the little prince by antoine de saint-exupéexpiry .he is a france author and born in a rich family.

as a book for children at the first, the little prince is a clear book, as clear as the water. but now it is fit for adults, teenagers and children. it is a book about life and the lives of the fable. as the book said, the water on the heart is beneficial. and "little prince" can make people feel warm and fresh. the story is about a boy. he lives on a small planet. he is the only person of the planet. he is a lonely prince. fortunately, a beautiful rose came in his life.

the gist of the story is as follows. the prince and the rose loved each other. but a little argument separated them. he left the planet which he lives, starts traveling. he went to many planets and met many different people. he likes to watch the sunset when he was sad. he found that people wanted happiness, but always pushed away happiness rudely. at last, he understood how to love each other. love and life is a very important thing. he is very regret. he wanted to return to the planet which he lives. but he didn’t know the road. he chose to drink snake venom end his life because he thought it will be able to cast off his bulky body to go back. every time, when i read "the little prince", i always moved about it. in real life, we often busy in the whole day, such as a fly without soul. the passage of time, childhood away, we grew up and took away a lot of memories, but we also have an oasis in the heart.

because ‘the little prince’ story, we live in quiet, the heart has a hope and love, have touched on the responsibility of the life.


in this summer vacation, i read the moon and sixpence, one of the representative works by william maugham.

creation background of the book is the beginning of the 20th century britain, the protagonist, terry was originally a securities broker, living condition is superior, has a happy family, can overnight, he made the resignation went to paris, lived in the old attics, finally abandoned their for drawing everything, no matter how to persuade others, he is still a maniac, in spite of this, he was criticized in various ways, but this did not make him give up painting. in the end, although he did not achieve professional success, in my opinion, he gained spiritual wealth.

a lot of people may think that such a person is not a mental problem, do not want to live a rich and luxurious life but alone in a lonely and poor day, such a person how to succeed? but strei's perseverance carried him further and further, and even his posthumous paintings were worth a fortune.

at the end of his life, he asked his wife to burn his murals. it may seem a pity to the reader that his years of work were destroyed, but i think he lived a life full of satisfaction. he knew the joy of painting, and he cared about the process rather than the result. as the famous translator fu weici said, there were sixpence everywhere, but only he saw the moon.

in our real world, many people are in the ideal and the reality constantly to choose, just as the title, the moon represents the high-minded ideal and six pence is a small fraction, perhaps most people think that how can high ideals in life and six pence, but this is the case, want to pursue their own ideal have to sacrifice, for example, we are learning now, if only for pleasure, the future can only keep running for sixpence, if you study hard now, the future will have a greater opportunity to find their own moon.

the journey of life is very long and short, and everyone has their own future to pursue their own goals. this book tells us: what matters is not what you are pursuing. it's important to know what you're looking for and what you're getting out of it.


title: the little prince

author: antoine de st-exupery

main characters: the little prince, the pilot, the rose, the fox, the snake, etc.

despite i’ve not in my childhood yet, i still prefer reading fairy-tale stories. the tales, which acpany with me in my old days, often make me think of some precious experience and sensation which only belong to children. this summer i’ve review this kind of tale, which was published in 1940. it’s the world-famous fairy-tale by the french author, antoine de st-exupery, the little prince.

as many other fairy-tales, the outline of the little prince is not very plex. “i”, the narrator of the story, is a pilot whose plane has something wrong and lands in the sahara. in this occasion, the pilot makes the acquaintance of the little prince, a little boy from another planet, the asteroid b612. the little prince has escaped from his tiny planet, because he has some quarrel with a rose, which grows on his planet. in that case he left his own planet and took an exploration at some neighbor asteroids.

on his all-alone journey, the little prince meets different kinds of people, which includes a king, a conceited man, a tippler, a businessman, a lamplighter and a geographer. from these people he gets a conclusion that the grown-ups are very odd. following the instruction of the geographer, he descends in the sahara, on the earth.

traveling on the earth, the little prince, who sees a garden of five-thousand roses, is overe with astonishment and sadness, as he considers his rose is unique in the universe before. at that time a fox appears. the fox, who tell the little prince about the meaning of the word “tame”, bees his new friend. at the time to say farewell, the fox makes him know that his rose is unique because she is his rose and tamed by him. from that the little prince begins to treasure friendship and be responsible to his rose.

at the anniversary day of his descent of the earth, rejecting the pilot’s advice, he goes back to his own planet by bite of a snake. “it’s too far. i can not carry this body with me. it’s too heavy.” he said. he tells his friend, the pilot, he must be responsible for his rose, so he has to go back. at the end the author doesn’t tell us the ending directly. maybe it’s more significant for us to imagine, and for more, think over.

one of the important characters is the rose. growing on the planet, she is very beautiful, but her coquetry and vanity suffer the little prince a lot. in spite of they love each other, he soon bees unhappy. on the time of his departure, he just knows she certainly loves him. the character of the little prince actually represents the children, and their native thoughts and deeds. on the contrary, the inhabitants on the other planets, such as the king, the businessman and the conceited man, they also reflect the defects in the grown-up’s world. the real theme of this fairy-tale with a little sadness, i guess, is the consequence of pure love and friendship in our lives, but not others “matters of consequence” of the grown-ups.

unbelievable, this little book moved me a lot. i seldom think about the true meaning of love and life before. well, now i can say, with my short sixteen-year’s life experience, it’s like the stars in the sky that lit my heart. the little prince is not only an ordinary fairy-tale for children, but also for grown-ups, and our teenagers. nevertheless, when i read this book, i feel a little sad – about ourselves, whom are losing more and more innocence




