
时间:2024-06-20 14:29:47 分类:学习心得











traveling is a good way to find out more about different countries with different traditions and customs. some travelers prefer to spend in one country just a few days or one day and then leave for another country. this way of traveling allows people to visit more countries in fewer days. unfortunately, in this case such travelers have to hurry in order to visit more places.

i am from saint-petersburg, russia. so, if a foreign visitor has only one day to spend in my country i think i would advice him to visit the "hermitage" - the most well known and amazing museum in russia. the "hermitage" has 3 floors and more then 100 halls. it is really amazing to visit that place. many people from all over the world every day enter its walls. some of the rooms devoted to the history of other countries. others devoted to the art of a famous painter and the history of his life. however, most of the halls conclude many things such as paintings, royal belongings, sculptures from russian history.

some people say that it is impossible to feel deeply and see all these amazing historical values for one visit. i have to completely agree with this statement. when i first visited the "hermitage" i was 14 years old. it impressed me so much that i was back next day to see what i had not been able to see the day before.

the "hermitage" is an impressive and beautiful museum. i think it is worth to spend there a whole day and i believe that after that a foreign visitor can claim with a proud that he or she saw russia.







as we all know,the environmemt around us is getting worse and worse .in some places,we can't see fish swimming in the river or trees on the hills. some people even have no clean water to drink. so i think we must do something to protect the environment. but what can we do?how to protect our environmemt ?for example,we can go to school on foot or by bike . we can use shopping baskets not plastic bags when we go shopping,and we can use both sides of the paper when we write .in a word,if everyone pays more attention to our environment ,there will be less pollution and our life will be better。“there is only one earth”,i hope everyone will protect our environment well。





大作文思路解析:a搬去农村 b员工不用到市中心上班 c 解决了交通问题

a搬去农村 b员工在市郊购买房子c 解决了住房问题

a搬去农村 b 农村没有相应的设施 c 很多人还是选择住在城市,问题没有解决




范文节选:however, depopulation is not the ultimate solution to overcrowding in urban areas; new problems may arise. firstly, the need for public-sector dwellings is not eliminated. with the number of migrants to cities constantly increasing, the vacated places are quickly inhabited by newcomers, so that the government has to develop more land to build houses. moreover, evicting people does not cut the demand for quality resources such as education, medical care, and infrastructure, which are clustered in city centres. if rural areas are incapable of satisfying those needs, some people may still choose to travel back to their urban homes, thereby creating more traffic flow on the limited road space. furthermore, simply shifting buildings to regional areas does not weaken vehicle dependency, as long as accessible public transit and industry cluster are not developed. since companies are further from their clients, providers and other contractors, greater traffic volumes are still likely to be induced by transporting raw materials, delivering goods and services, and travelling on business.


范文节选:there is no doubt that the dense population and limited land resources are responsible for housing shortage in major cities, while the rural area is sparsely populated with sufficient land supply. if some companies, factories and their employees moved out of town, there would be more vacant buildings to meet the demand of city dwellers. besides, with fewer people travelling to and from work inside the city, traffic is expected to be reduced and pressure on the public transportation system eased.


范文节选: on the one hand, most big cities are suffering from large population and limited resources. if big companies and factories, together with their huge number of employees, move to the countryside, there will be fewer people living in the city, then with the housing pressure reduced, the housing prices will surely go down. meanwhile, the urban traffic will also improve because the number of commuters to and from work every day is now smaller. on the other hand, businesses moving to rural area will stimulate the consumption and facilitate infrastructure in this area apart from offering employment opportunities to the local people.


范文节选:initially, americans ranked the top, with an average height of approximately 168 cm which was immediately followed by british (166cm) while people from denmark and france were slightly higher than 160 cm.


television has had asignificant influence on the culture of many societies.

to what extent do youthink it has positively or negatively affected cultural development? few people in this world are living a life without the accompaniment oftelevision, which then generates tremendous influence on the lifestyle and cultureof society. although there may be some negative impacts, i would claim theeffect of television positive to the development of cultures. tv broadcasting enables the cultures to be spread widely to attract moreattention from the public. released in the programs at various intervals, viadifferent tv channels, information about certain culture is known to the massand thus its influence is strengthened.

also, from news reports to promotion ofactivities, tv programs can introduce, in a variety of angles, the details ofthe culture. the clearer understanding people have on it, the more concern theywill pay. supervised and tested by the public through the reports on television,cultures will be developed more promisingly. with more cultures being shown ontv, comparison and contrast is done among people, which forces the culture toretain its essence to maintain identity and discard its dregs to attractcontinual attention. besides, to spread further and influence more around theworld, the culture will be better developed in the right direction.

admittedly, the broadcasting of tv programs will surely bring aboutcompetition among cultures and even lead to conflicts. however, it is just thiskind of atmosphere that is helpful for the cultures to develop further.

afterall, in this fast changing world, there is no reason to allow those that cannotstand competition or cannot adapt to the trend of society to continue theirinfluence on people.

to sum up, television has positive impact on culturaldevelopment. with a clear understanding of this and proper measures taken inguidance, cultures will enjoy unprecedented prosperity than ever.


the pie charts below show the average household expenditures in a country in 1950 and 2010.

summarise the information by selecting and reporting the main features, and make comparisons where relevant. sample answer: the provided pie charts shows the expenses made in housing, food, health care, education, transportation and other items in a country in 1950 and 2010.

as is observed from the pie charts, in 1950 almost two-third expenditure was in housing whereas this average expenditure has been increased for food, transportation etc. in 2010.

according to the given data, more than 70% expenditure was in housing in 1950. the second most expenditure in this country was in food.

all other expenditures including health care, education, transportation etc. were less than 20% in total.

after 60 years the trends of expenditure in this country significantly changed. people's expenditure in housing decreased to only 22% while the expenditure for food increased to 34%.

interestingly the expenditure on education decreased over time while the expenses for transportation increased to 14%. all other expenditure in 1950 was only 4.4% which increased to 19.2% in 2010 which indicates the new addition on category where people started expensing than they did in 1950.

in summary, the expenditure nature of people had changed significantly in 2010 than that had been in 1950.




