
时间:2023-05-24 09:01:39 分类:读后感




during the summer vacation, i savored don quixote again.

the author of this book draws a caricature of the knight errant through themiserable experience of the mad don quixote. you see, it's the mill windmill,but he thinks it's a giant with three heads and six arms. so he urges the horsespear to rush away, but it's thrown to the ground and can't move. even so, whenthe servant sancho came to tell him again that it was not a giant but awindmill, he argued that it was the magician who turned the giant into awindmill. there are countless such actions, which are very funny and makereaders laugh again and again. the author combines the description of thecharacters of different social classes with the description of the socialreality, vividly reappears the domineering of the noble gentlemen and the upsand downs of the common people.

don quixote was a little squire who was fascinated by reading knights'novels all day. he imitated the ancient knights and went out to adventure anddid many ridiculous things. although he is crazy, he hates tyranny and crueltyand opposes oppression. you see, once, his horse was injured by a group ofporters. regardless of the other side's more than 20 people, he resolutelyfought with the other side and was finally knocked down to the ground. if i seemore than 20 men holding sticks, i'm sure i'm not brave enough to go out. i'lleither admit my misfortune or run away. and don quixote, knowing that the enemyis strong and we are weak, is still fighting for justice in the end. this spiritis really worth learning. don quixote is also very charitable, sympathizing withthe weak and upholding justice. once, he caught a wronged prisoner. in order tolet him go, he reconciled and beat him once, although at last many prisoners ranaway.

don quixote is a complex and contradictory man. he has some other badhabits. he thinks he's right and doesn't listen to others' advice. sangqiuadvised him not to cut down the windmill, but he didn't listen. at last, he waslifted up by the windmill and hurt. he was nervous again. when he saw a mancoming to him, he thought that the other side was going to fight him, so hekilled the other side with a knife.

the first time i read "don quixote", i wanted to laugh, and did ridiculousthings for don quixote. the second time i read it, i wanted to cry, for thedomineering of aristocratic gentlemen and the ups and downs of ordinary people.the third time will naturally think from these cries and smiles. so, what do youread from it? let's talk about it together!


"i cant how could i see here." "i was angry,do you think i dont have any feelings?do you think it is all right to say anything at all to me.because im not rich or beatuiful.if i were not plain,i would make it.it is difficult for you to leave me,just as it is difficult for me to leave you."

i was so suprised when i looked this sentences,i felt strong power from jane.i heard of janes heart was broken.she was so sad i thought.this book is good because the sentences are all shake me.i like this book.

in her childhood,she sufferd from aunts bully.she was very unhappy.but she has been very strong all the time.she never flinched from facing up to all the trouble.she always keep a kind heart.

jane said:"the more lonely,the more i dont have friends,the more i feel all alone in the world,the more i need to build my self-esteem."

i think everyone admires her strength of charater and deteimination.it will effects every every reader in the future.the book of jane eyre will dazzling forever.


pride and prejudice is my favorite novel, which impresses me for a longtime. it describes a love story mainly between elisabeth, who i like the best,and a rich and proud man, darcy.

the story began with the arrival of a crowd of rich men who rent a housenear the bennet. in a ball, elisabeth gave such a bad impression on darcy’sfirst pride that she refused darcy’s first proposal. darcy was so surprised byelisabeth’s refusal that he loved elisabeth more deeply. and elisabeth’santipathy made darcy realize his shortings. he was not angry about elisabeth’scensure, but also he changed his previous proud attitude.

during elisabeth’s travel in darcy’s manor. darcy was very nice to heruncle and aunt, different from previous proud attitude. when one of elisabeth’ssisters ran away with wickham, darcy helped elisabeth find her sister andprevent her sister from the loss of reputation, with nobody knowing that it washe who helped the bennet. so many changes in darcy eliminated elisabeth’sprejudice. at last it end with their marriage.

taking the daily life as its material, this story reflected the life andlove in a conservative你 and blocking england town. it reflected the author’sview about marriage that it is fault to marry for property, money and status andit is also foolish to take these elements into account. in fact darcy’s pridemanifested the gap between their statuses.

since his pride existed, there is no ideal marriage between elisabeth anddarcy. from the different attitudes from darcy’s two proposals, it reflected thefeminine pursuit of personality independence and right equality, which is aprogressive character from the image of elisabeth.


after reading ,i was moved by the true love and friendship. in that little world, everything is full of love and beauty.like the rose, she loved the little prince, she was beatific,because she could be cared. in the reality, we are the same. we love our parents,and they just like the little prince who take care of us.thank you,my dear parents,i'll love you forever.

as for friends,i can never forget the fox.her sincere and help made the little prince hopeful and glad. facing all my friends,i'll be the fox,i'll bring hope and happy to all the people beside me.i'll never let them disappointed.

thank you,little prince. you have taught me a lot. i'll learn from you.maybe you're now in a pure and happy place,believe me, all the roses will bloom,only for you!


red dust, with memory chains, forever dusty the sad love,

the composition reads "the dream of red mansions" has the feeling.in the last rays, the wind blew away quietly, it blows away the thoughts of past.finally, disappeared in the vast sea of people, leaving the worlds regrets and accusations......

a chance encounter, opened a dream of red mansions, so i met her - lin daiyu.she let me deeply shocked, yu unprecedented love, spread through the ages, people make judgments.all over the world, and who have the qualifications?since then, her sisters shadow is rippling in my heart, back and forth, vaguely seemed to hear her delicate breathing, mind is her sad face, with a haggard but very charming.she shed tears, because only after the indulgence of crying will be more relaxed, smile will be more blooming.close your eyes as if to see his gentle eyes, twinkling tears, people addicted to emotional, inextricably bogged down in.

i often hear people comment on daiyus "little temperament" and even "narrow-minded", but i dont think so!because behind this, just because she cares too much about baoyu, because love is deep, love cut, so can not help but mind.i always think bao yu give daiyu too little time, daiyus heart is too delicate, and bao yu can not understand,

after reading "the composition of a dream of red mansions" feeling "().in a moment of her depression, mood is like a lost childs heart, he should not come greeting will be hard, she rejected evil, but unintentionally, do not accept, just because too uncomfortable, so she only used poetry to vent their long-awaited deal backlog emotion.

poetry is her beautiful soul, the sustenance of her spirit.every time i read her poems, the total vibration heart feeling, every word, every word is like a sharp knife, deep into the readers heart, let a person have to suffocate the illusion, invisible like who grabbed his throat, can not break away from the sad, only reluctantly put down the book, let oneself slowly awake.remember her "flower word": "in this funeral flower fanatic people laugh, he was buried in flower who knows?look at the spring flowers falls gradually, is confidante old died.as a spring confidante old, flower falls news two know".read the afterimage was in extreme grief, like heart pain.

her tears, like flowing like a trickle, sink into yihong springs, clarify her tragedy.she wept, because she was too wronged, she is miserable, is worthy of mercy, and she and baoyu love in such a society is not allowed.she was so fond of bao yu that she was sad all her life, but before she died, she laughed and shouted, "bao yu, bao yu."......"then she left the world for good......

her story is over, but left me with thousands of thoughts, now want to the inner dust seal, but a close eye, that should be imprisoned like sad dust in the air, like rotation, dancing......


growing up in solitude and struggling in pain, this is oliver twist, an orphan in foggy city written by charles dickens.

oliver grew up in a workhouse. he never felt the warmth of his mothers love and family. he always lived in hell. at the age of nine, mr. bumble sent him to the home of a mortician named sulbury as an assistant, but it was no better or worse than the workhouse, so oliver could not bear the inhumane life and fled here, ready to go to the "fog city" - london.

when he arrived in london, he met two evil doers, one was the robber sikes, the other was the thief fagin. later fagin wanted to train him to be a thief, because he became a thief, and the mystery of his life was also revealed.

olivers coming to london is not necessarily a good thing, but it must not be a bad thing. because although he met fagin, he also met many good people: nancy, who is also good and evil, mr. brownlow, who is kind-hearted

this book describes an optimistic oliver, no matter the orphans life or his lonely and painful childhood, he doesnt complain. and we have a warm family from birth to now, but every day is full of all kinds of complaints, we should be like him, "no complaints, no complaints"。


the novel is a long time ago, there is a village, the village lived in the mulan family, mulan's father because of injuries in the battlefield, leg disease, retired at home self-cultivation. however, when mulan was in his teens, there was unrest in the country, and the enemy were preparing to attack the great wall under the great wall. the emperor had to draft under the edict, each must have a man as young men went to the front to fight. one of them was mulan's father, her father mulan in order to have the courage to nvbannanzhuang congjun father.

the edict issued second days at home, mulan came to the barracks, soldiers who did not know that she is a girl. in this way, she began the camp life, day after day training, let her follow the rades in arms practiced a good kung fu. one day, sir. the arrow at the top of the post, but no one can take it off, only mulan continue to spend all night time, climbed to the top, with the arrow, also let the other side the soldiers to him to sit up and take notice. finally on the battlefield, they go, go, suddenly, a lot of the enemy rushed to them, it was in ambush. mulan see in front of the snow capped mountains and cliffs, and a gun on the snow capped mountains, is a great power, the avalanche enemy were all drowned in the thousands upon thousands of horses and soldiers snow capped. the chief was also swept away by the strength of the avalanche, mulan in order to save him, be injured by ice, the general asks a doctor to e to her to pack up time, everybody discovered that mulan is u

nexpectedly a female. thinking that mulan had saved her life, she did not kill her, and the army threw mulan back to the capital. mulan found that there is no enemy killed in an avalanche, chanyu alive. mulan hurried back to the capital, risking the death of the enemy, and telling everyone that the enemy had not died. but no one believed her, just because she was a girl. unfortunately happened in the emperor to the executive reward, in a raid, the emperor was captured in the tower. everybody just believed mulan's words, and worked together to save the emperor with mulan. the emperor wanted mulan to stay with him as his minister, but she refused. she wanted to go back to her hometown. the emperor gave mulan khan's sword, let everyone see this girl contributions to the country, the people and the emperor thanked her.

i read the book, think mulan is very brave, who is a great sin, but to her own father at all costs, really great.


it is known to the entire world that little women by louisa may alcott is one of the representatives of feminist works. this paper analyzes feminism embodied in josephine’s view on love in little women. in the introduction of the paper, i will talk about the background, literature review and my writing perspective. as for the body part, in chapter one i will analyze josephine’s character from many examples in the story; in chapter two i will give a comprehensive analysis of josephine’s view on love, which mainly covers the love choice she made and the reasons of the choice; in chapter three, i will analyze feminism reflected form josephine, including the aspiration for freedom, the desire for independence, and the worship of true love. in chapter four, i will discuss the enlightments and limitations of josephine’s feminism in modern times. at last in the conclusion, i will give a brief summary of this paper.

even if having the small flaws, little women is still an undoubtedly great work. it put eyes on women’s growth, fights and efforts to realize the value of life in a patriarchal society. even in today, it still has realistic values for modern girls to learn.

through the daily lives of march sisters, louisa drew a vivid picture of the life of temporal american pioneers, especially jo. she impressed us by her goodness, honesty, insistence…and her precipitancy, rebellion… she’s like a close friend to us, and as well an inner spirit of us.

in order to get closer to this work, i’ve talked about the social background at that time, louisa’s family history, literature review and the definition of feminism; and then to figure out the reasons of jo’s choice, i’ve analyzed jo’s personality, the process of jo’s choice and the reasons of it, so i not only had a clearer impression of jo, but also got a deeper understanding of her choice; at last in order to learn the feminist spirits from jo, i discussed some extraordinary feminist qualities of jo and got some constructive tips and suggestions about feminism for all the girls.

after finishing this work which is definitely a masterpiece in history, i’ve learned the importance of freedom, both physically and spiritually, without it, i think i even can’t live well; and also i’ve known the value of independence, there’s no one can accompany and help me forever, so being independent can make me live better and feed myself just on my own; last but not the least, i’ve also been reminded with the preciousness of true love which makes people truly happy from the bottom from the hearts.

reading little women can be an enjoyable thing, to seek the peace in the blatant, and to seek an aim in the hesitation. we can learn so much from this book. over a century passing by, the glory of this book doesn’t vanish, instead it becomes more excellent, and it connects people generation by generation.




