
时间:2023-02-04 16:04:17 分类:读后感




the essence of the path is that it is contrary to the highway and has no definite destination. but this does not mean that it does not lead to any direction. it does not mean that all walks of life will be lost in all cases. on the contrary. the stroll i mentioned earlier is an exploration, a slow discovery, the only way to really know mountains. in other words, fictions in the form of variation are not closely connected to each other and the feature of "music fragments" is the only way to stealth the various parts of the novel and to limit the true meaning of the theme, and to respect their coherent forms and rhythms. of course, at the end of all the paths or paths that make us all over the mountains - they make up a broader view, and some of the pictures are more direct and more intense.

in the immortality, the theme of the pastoral song appears once again in the work, but it is worth noting that the theme is quite different from the previous one. first, the political utopia of the positive idyllic pastoral means and the image of the utopian utopian no longer have the same complete tendencies; it continues to exist in paul's thinking, through his memory of the 1968 "may storm", but this is a dead reference, and we can even say that it is a positive idyllic. the corpse of the pastoral song. here, we are completely in the world after ideology, which transcends history.

we have been away from the desert pursued by yang wick and thomas. to "return" to self is no longer to escape to the peace and edge that can be released to self, no longer to leave the stage, away from the crowd, to avoid the harm of the crowd to us; to return to self should come to the market and display me in all eyes. because it is a world of pastoral pastoral, in the final analysis, the modern self world is still a totalitarian world - in a sense, even more harmful than the other types of pastoral songs, because there is no foundation outside the world, and no one can do it for itself. the inevitability of "transcendence". this is a totalitarian power at the end of history.

kundla's writing style and language expression are still worth learning. forget the philosopher saying that life is philosophy. there is a reasonable existence. then everyone exists, which means that its philosophy is reasonable, each person has its own way of life and way of thinking, and according to these modes of thinking to live, is the individual's own philosophy. every character in kundla's pen is a different philosophy. the name of each chapter metaphores a theme of thinking. "face" means self. "immortality" means fame and fame. "struggle" means agnes and luo, "emotional man" means perceptual, "chance" is associated with "bell", "celebration" is the most. the end of the end? i can't be sure to say it is, and it would be a different idea to read later, but the same thing is that kundla has always led the reader into thinking, no answer.


during the summer vacation, i savored don quixote again.

the author of this book draws a caricature of the knight errant through themiserable experience of the mad don quixote. you see, it's the mill windmill,but he thinks it's a giant with three heads and six arms. so he urges the horsespear to rush away, but it's thrown to the ground and can't move. even so, whenthe servant sancho came to tell him again that it was not a giant but awindmill, he argued that it was the magician who turned the giant into awindmill. there are countless such actions, which are very funny and makereaders laugh again and again. the author combines the description of thecharacters of different social classes with the description of the socialreality, vividly reappears the domineering of the noble gentlemen and the upsand downs of the common people.

don quixote was a little squire who was fascinated by reading knights'novels all day. he imitated the ancient knights and went out to adventure anddid many ridiculous things. although he is crazy, he hates tyranny and crueltyand opposes oppression. you see, once, his horse was injured by a group ofporters. regardless of the other side's more than 20 people, he resolutelyfought with the other side and was finally knocked down to the ground. if i seemore than 20 men holding sticks, i'm sure i'm not brave enough to go out. i'lleither admit my misfortune or run away. and don quixote, knowing that the enemyis strong and we are weak, is still fighting for justice in the end. this spiritis really worth learning. don quixote is also very charitable, sympathizing withthe weak and upholding justice. once, he caught a wronged prisoner. in order tolet him go, he reconciled and beat him once, although at last many prisoners ranaway.

don quixote is a complex and contradictory man. he has some other badhabits. he thinks he's right and doesn't listen to others' advice. sangqiuadvised him not to cut down the windmill, but he didn't listen. at last, he waslifted up by the windmill and hurt. he was nervous again. when he saw a mancoming to him, he thought that the other side was going to fight him, so hekilled the other side with a knife.

the first time i read "don quixote", i wanted to laugh, and did ridiculousthings for don quixote. the second time i read it, i wanted to cry, for thedomineering of aristocratic gentlemen and the ups and downs of ordinary people.the third time will naturally think from these cries and smiles. so, what do youread from it? let's talk about it together!


after reading this wonderful story, i can feel love, brave, deep friendship and some other good spirits in the people.

the scarecrow wanted some brains, but on the way to the emerald city, he thought out of a way to cross the river. the cowardly lion wanted to be brave, but when they met the river, he carried other friends to jump across it. and the tin man wanted a heart, he said he couldn’t love, but he didn’t want to hurt any animal.

in fact, they all have the things they want: the scarecrow is clever, the cowardly lion is brave and the tin man is kind-hearted.


reading a good book can affect a person forever. after reading the book gone with the wind, i was really inspired and benefited from the light. the book, whether it is a beautiful flowing language descri ption or a vivid characterization of the characters, has reached its peak. it is the gem of world literature. among them, the heroines love view, make me feel quite deep.

scarlett, the remarkable character born in the turbulent years of the united states, her excellent personality radiates infinite light. she is brave, strong, optimistic, hard to live and never give in. she is very vigorous and smart. the most striking thing is her obsession with love. she has an angelic face and a shapely figure -- a goose, a moon, and a moon, in the words of a beautiful woman in ancient china -- and how many young men fall in love with her. but she doesnt care about these things. shes crazy about love. but out of desperation, she married two people she didnt like. when she saw her beloved ashley again, she still loved him madly like a teenage girl, and was desperate to pour out his love to him. this reminds me of another way of expression of the womens loyalty to love in feudal china. in the case of "southeast peacock", for example, a couple of men and women should be married to love, and their love is closely related to marriage. "you are a rock, a concubine like a reed, a reed like a silk, a rock without a move." when their love suffers other peoples destruction, in order to show their dedication to love, they only have "from the southeast branch"。 but scarlett is different, in her love view, love and marriage can be separated, or a spiritual and physical separation. drop everything she doesnt care about each other some marriage, bold to love ashley, fight for their own happiness, she does not love set on etiquette, the shackles of moral, her love is always free. this may be due to cultural differences between the east and the west. the nature of love is not changed by the way it is expressed.

scarletts half life was also confused by love. he did a lot of wrong because of his confusion. she found out that ashley didnt love her and was not as good as she thought she was. she loved not ashley, but a perfect image of her heart. the more ashley refused her, her heart of the image, the more perfect - this is an old saying: is the best way to get it - but because she mistakes, to make her wrong side real happiness. this also gives me a lesson: people should learn to distinguish right from wrong, dont let happiness slip through their fingers.

thankfully, in scarletts love in the world there is nothing as of late, when she completely lose ashley, lost daughter, her husband rhett has left her, she realised that she really loved is rhett, she throw psychic trauma and regret, believe in yourself can the heart of rhett. "tomorrow is another day anyway!" if many people can have this optimistic and confident attitude towards love, then many love tragedies will not happen.

on the days of reading "gone with the wind," how many times have i been happy, noisy, sad, laughing. several xus sadness, several xus happiness, several xus feelings, several xus wonder. the hidden interest, left behind is a strong shock and a lifetime of emotion.


helen keller today read this book, i benefited greatly!

"helen. keller," this article describes the life of helen sad but tenacious. the age of one in helen, she was due to serious illness led to a blind and deaf. but helen did not give up, still hard to learn, learning to speak. emperor it pays off, helen finally learned to talk, admitted to the university, became a world celebrity.

helen keller difficulties do not retreat, but the courage to overe difficulties, to me? once, my father taught me to ride, i always do not mind, falling again and again, failed again and again, always feel impatient and always want to give up, so get in their studies. but after reading this article, helen keller brave defeat the disease of the spirit moved me, i am determined to learn cycling. this does not, now riding for me, is simply a piece of cake!

helen. keller such a waist, self-unyielding, never-give-in spirit, we set an example, her own actions pose a song of life, beautiful music!


sense and sensibility was the first jane austen published. though she initially called it elinor and marianne, austen jettisoned both the title and the epistolary mode in which it was originally written, but kept the essential theme: the necessity of finding a workable middle ground between passion and reason. the story revolves around the dashwood sisters, elinor and marianne. whereas the former is a sensible, rational creature, her younger sister is wildly romantic--a characteristic that offers austen plenty of scope for both satire and compassion. commenting on edward ferrars, a potential suitor for elinor's hand, marianne admits that while she "loves him tenderly," she finds him disappointing as a possible lover for her sister.

soon however, marianne meets a man who measures up to her ideal: mr. willoughby, a new neighbor. so swept away by passion is marianne that her behavior begins to border on the scandalous. then willoughby abandons her; meanwhile, elinor's growing affection for edward suffers a check when he admits he is secretly engaged to a childhood sweetheart. how each of the sisters reacts to their romantic misfortunes, and the lessons they draw before coming finally to the requisite happy ending forms the heart of the novel. though marianne's disregard for social conventions and willingness to consider the world well-lost for love may appeal to modern readers, it is elinor whom austen herself most evidently admired; a truly happy marriage, she shows us, exists only where sense and sensibility meet and mix in proper measure.




